You entertain and we'll automate the rest

Violin Player

Less scheduling,
more coordinating

Why spend time in your calendar when you could be playing? Your schedule is automatically synchronized with our time-based approach.

Less time booking, more time playing

Musicians and other entertainers are given the ability to spend more of the week performing. Gone are the days where you have to call to book your gigs.

Choose your schedule

Be a true entrepreneur by taking control of your calendar. Be your own boss when you choose your times.

Opportunity lands in your lap

On the road or stage, don't miss out on bookings when you're performing. RHEBA's marketplace connects retirement communities with your availability ensuring potential gigs don't fall through the cracks.

Get paid

Often times, performers wait for weeks if not months before receiving a paycheck. Our application changes that entirely. Get paid consistently after every performance. Best of all, have the funds directly and automatically deposited into your bank account.

Become a better performer

Practicing every day guarantees you get better with your instrument. Performing in front of a live audience everyday will solidify your abilities as a professional performer.

Experts have experience

Live performances can be unpredictable. The only way to get good at handling unpredictability is to experience it.

Focus on your craft

If you are a entertainer, focus on being a entertainer. You are no longer a booking agent, marketer, or accountant.

Pick up last-minute gigs

Sometimes life happens and bookings fall through. Search the Gig Pool for more work opportunities. RHEBA makes last-minute openings a cinch to fill.

Meet entertainers in your area

A strong community fortifies camaraderie. Connect with musicians and other performers in the network.

Expand your brand

Who says your style should stay in your hometown? Take your identity beyond by touring the country.

Earn a living as an Entertainer

Sign Up Today!

As an entertainer, make money confidently through your talent.

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